I came across Jack Davison through his book Photographs published by Loose Joints.
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Episode 11: I came across Jack Davison through his book Photographs published by Loose Joints. I had a very quick look at the work in November and felt it was incredibly strong. I wasn’t sure how it functioned as a book with so many “bangers” inside of it though. It felt as though it were more of a show piece for an exceptionally talented artist, which is in fact, implicit in the title of the book. No frills, no whistles, just photographs. This exonerates of the format of the book as being anything more than what it suggests and that makes it even stronger. It was also beautifully designed in its restraint. These are the perks of working with respected publishers.
Jack was open and inviting in talking about his practice, his background and the way he found his position in photography at a relatively young age. I found it incredibly interesting that he has been able to fashion such a stellar career by his work ethic and his ability to see and capitalize on opportunity. There is a great anecdote about him literally knocking on doors to get seen. He is also a consummate image-maker. We spoke about the importance of keeping your eye strong and making work even under difficult conditions such as we are currently seeing under Covid-19.